Chaos Unleashed
Source: Ye Olde Inn
Author: Drathe Size: 137 MB Originally Created: 2008 Remade: November 18, 2020

Questmaps in this Quest was made using Heroscribe by Derfel Link

Map 1 Map 2 Map 3 Map 4 Map 5 Map 6 Map 7 Map 8 Map 9 Map 10 Map11 - Barbarian Map11 - Dwarf Map11 - Elf Map11 - Wizard Map 11 Map 12 Map 13 Map 14

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Requirements (in addition to the US Game System)

- Double Blocked Square x2
- Wooden Exit Door x1
- Iron Entrance Door x1
- Stone Doorway x3
- Portcullis x4
- Mirror x1
- Brass Key x1
- Long Pit Trap x3
- Pit of Darkness x4
- Trap Door x4
- Secret Door x6
- The Weapons Forge x1
- Coffin x4
- Death Mist x1
- Giant Stone Boulder x1
- Short Stairway x4
- Long Stairway x2
- Cliff Corridor x1
- Cloud of Chaos x1
- Fireburst Token x1
- Magic Ice x6
- Wall of Ice x1
- Ice Tunnel x6
- Icy River 1x3 x1
- Icy River 1x8 x1
- Pit of Chaos x1
- Sun Eye Room x1
- Carpet Room x1
- Battle Room x1
- Stone Bridge Room x1
- Ice Vault 2x3 x1
- Ice Vault 3x4 x1
- Ice Ledge x1
- Frozen Crypt x1
- Living Fog Room x1
- Ice Gremlin Treasure Room x1
- Bottomless Chasm x1
- Seat of Power x1
- Quicksand Room x1
- Throne Room x1
- Revolving Room x1
- Inner Sanctum Room x1
- Inner Sanctum Wall x1

- Artifact x19
- Chaos Spell x11
- Treasure x4
- High Mage Spell x2
- Storm Master Spell x1
- Necromancer Spell x3
- Monster x11


- Skeleton x4
- Zombie x2
- Ice Gremlin x3
- Elven Archer x2
- Elven Warrior x2
- Giant Wolf x2
- Polar Warbear x2
- Yeti x2
- Mercenaries x6
- Ogre x3
- Ogre Champion x1
- Ogre Lord x1
- Ogre Chieftain x1
- Ogre Warrior x1
- Sedlec (Necromancer) x1
- Gletscher (Storm Master) x1
- Hoar (Wizard) x1
- Embris (Wizard) x1

- Alchemist's Shop